Newest Articles

Foreword by the issuing editors

N. M. Skornyakova and A. S. Machikhin
J. Opt. Technol. 90(11), 637-638 (2024)  View: PDF

Optical system of a compact dermatoscope with a videocapillaroscopy channel

V. I. Batshev, V. I. Bukova, A. V. Kryukov, M. O. Marchenko, and A. S. Machikhin
J. Opt. Technol. 90(11), 713-718 (2024)  View: PDF

Multispectral video camera optical system

V. I. Batshev, A. V. Krioukov, A. S. Machikhin, and A. A. Zolotukhina
J. Opt. Technol. 90(11), 706-712 (2024)  View: PDF

Investigation of the structure of plastic products made by 3D printing in sub-terahertz radiation

I. Sh. Khasanov and T. V. Blagova
J. Opt. Technol. 90(11), 691-698 (2024)  View: PDF